Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bedrest days....

So I've been on bed rest for just about a month now! Whew, and it looks like I have at least another two months ahead of me! But thankfully, modern technology and the old school has kept me entertained. Here are a few websites that keep me busy:

A site catering to women on bed rest.

Social networking at it's best! It's like a giant chat room. :)

Site catered to us Mommies! They also have opportunities to make money writing articles for their site.

Also I have read a few books, but of course they are all in the living room on a shelf...heehee! But I'm all caught up on my chick lit. :) And last, but not least my magaizines: Glamour, InStyle, Parenting, Cosmo, and Baby Talk.

And the most entertaining of them all.....my son, Jaden! Who at 21 months old has learned a plethora of new skills. Bring Mommy her cell phone charger, bring Mommy a book to read to you, he can answer the phone and make calls (but that isn't recommened because he calls whomever you DON'T want to speak to), and he has almost mastered brushing his teeth without me having to go over them!

I am also thankful to my family for all of their help and support! I couldn't make it this far without you all!

Love Always,
~Haute Mama still on bed rest~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Morning!

I have been watching the news this morning and as a mother, the story about the Minnesota woman that has fled with her son with cancer stood out. How does everyone feel about this? His cancer is 90% curable with chemo. However, their religious beliefs keep them from taking the treatment. I respect each individuals religious beliefs, but at what point do you do what's best to save your childs life? Now I understand, as a family member to child with cancer, that chemo is horrible. But that child who had cancer at 18 months old is now 14 years old in complete remission.

I'm not the one to judge, and I definitely don't went the government telling me what to do with my children. It just seems when it is a matter of life and death someone should step in like they have.

But these are solely based on my thoughts and opinions...

Until Later
*Haute Mama*

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've just been thinking....

Good Afternoon!!!

Well there is still not much going on in my world. Bed rest can really show you how cool you are, or not! But I think I'm somewhere in between :).

Last week was a doctor free week, whew! I'm so afraid of going back in on Friday and hearing I need to stay in the hospital, that so not in my plans! But enough of that, let's move on to haute mama business!

This week it was time for a visit to the spa for my mani/pedi. I didn't sneak out this time, I think I'll wait until after I hear what my doctor has to say. But you know me, I still must maintain my girlish ways. So I decided to give my hair a deep condition, shave my legs (which BTW, makes you feel super sexy if you don't otherwise), and gave myself a facial. All of these things combined help me continue on my bed rest and not feel like a slump!

To deep condition my hair I used Paul Mitchell leave in conditioner. I'll admit for the money I spent....Pantene Relaxed and Natural does a better job in making my hair feel soft.

For my legs I used my new Venus razor, which is a good buy and definitely gets the job done! My legs are uber soft and great for touching!

Then for my facial I just used Dove gentle exfoliating bar (since I haven't been wearing any make-up my skin is pretty clear of impurities), then used Neutrogena toner and lastly, my Kiehl's moisturizer.

So I'm feeling like myself again. :) Here is to a Blessed and Productive week...Enjoy!!!

Until Later
~Haute Mama~

Monday, May 11, 2009

Good morning! I am still on bed rest. Thank goodness for the Internet, cable, books, and magazines! I'm sure I couldn't survive all these weeks in bed.

Yesterday was Mother's Day...did you enjoy it and did your family pamper you for at least the day? My family did better on Saturday...made me a fantastic breakfast, cleaned house, and we snuck off of bed rest to see Star Trek. However, on Sunday, I think they used all their energy the day before. :). Now don't get me wrong, they weren't counter productive. I just didn't get the same attention and energy. Ahhh well!

Well I am going to watch some Noggin with my little one! I'll be back a little later with some of the sights and sounds that are keeping me busy throughout the day.

*Haute Mama*