Sunday, September 27, 2009

Exciting news:

I'm the proud owner of!!!!

So now, I just need to learn to build my site and choose a hosting site.

Stay tuned!

Military Mamas

I'm so very excited to find out the the ship has a Family Readiness Group. I'll be honest, I've only met a handful of "Navy wives" and they either aren't friendly or we have nothing in common. So I'm always reluctant to get involved in these groups. However, I feel I am in a different place in my life. I'm a mother and I'm excited to meet some of the spouses at the next event.


It's 11:15pm, do I know where my sanity is??? The answer quite simply, NOOOOO!!! It's been only three days with me and the kids. I can't imagine how I'm going to survive the next seven months?! I am the go to person, the CEO, the head honcho, the BOSS. I am in charge of feeding, bathing, cooking, cleaning, potty training, pacifier taking, EVERYTHING!!! I only sleep 5-7 hours a night with a few wake up calls in between. I'm starting to think I've bitten off more than I can possibly chew. Whew!!!! Now that I've gotten that off my chest.

I need to regroup! I need to get back to my haute mama self and take out time in the day to make sure that I, the head honcho, is relaxed and taken care of.

My plan of action is simple; I will take a hot shower in the morning before the children wake up. I will give myself a mini facial. I have very sensitive skin, so I'll make it simple and all natural. After that, I will take some time to myself to reflect on my agenda for the day. From there, all I need to do is execute the plan!!!

Sounds simple enough? I'll catch up tomorrow to see if I've gotten at least a little of my sanity. :)


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 1 of Deployment :(

Well it's official; I am a single Mom of two children until April 2010. We took him to the ship this morning. All around are the wives, girlfriends, husbands, and boyfriends, mothers, and fathers. All sad to say see you later to their loved ones. Some women even had to say good bye to their children and leave Dad to be the caretaker. It was sad, and I shed a tear for them, but not for myself? I know what you're thinking, but it's a simple answer. I love him dearly, but I'll be honest, he's not exactly Molly homemaker, or he isn't exactly who the kids run to when they need something. Most Moms know, if the kids need something, they will run to you. Dad can be sitting there begging to make them a sandwich or tie their shoe, but oh noooooo, "I want Mommy to do it!" So of course I will miss my best friend and movie buddy, I will miss receiving his phone calls to ask if I need anything from the store before he comes home, I will miss when he wants to hog the TV (wait no I won't miss that!), but you get the point. I will miss him terribly! This is the longest we will be apart in five years. :( But I want him to know, I can hold down the home front and we'll be here for you when you return! Thank you for sacrificing time with your family to protect Our Country and Our Freedom! We love you!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Can I Do It All???

This may sound like a silly question to all the single parents out there. But, I haven't been raising my children alone and quite frankly, I hope I have what it takes! I was raised in a single Mom household. My Mom can do it all! She would cook, clean, sew, work outside the house,and take care of us. All of that with too little money, family, and Prayer. So here I am, about to embark on a seven month journey with my two children while their Dad is serving Our Country. And I ask myself, Can I Do It All???

Just so I have this straight, here is my to-do list for the next seven months. I will be the sole caregiver to two children ages 2 years old and 2 months old. I will clean house, cook the food, take out the trash, change all light bulbs, water the grass, talk to the gardener, make sure cars are serviced, pay all the bills, spend quality time with my children, get my nails done, get my hair done, grocery shop, and make sure I take time out for myself every once in a while? That's impossible!!!

I'm convinced to do all of those things and still manage to be a haute mama are impossible!!! But I know so many single Moms who make it happen every day!! So my hat goes off to all of you, especially my Mother. Because growing up watching you, I know I will make it through this journey all in one piece and still as haute as ever!

Until Later,

Friday, September 18, 2009

A New Day.....

Today was supposed to be D-Day, ie: the day Dad leaves for a 7 month deployment. Yet somehow, we were granted an extra week. Although someone will be getting their a** chewed out. My honey gets to stay home with us!!! So sorry to the guy who probably had his a** handed to him. Thanks for that sacrifice for all us families who will savor this extra week with our loved ones.

With that being said, this week I want to focus on Family Time. I have made a meal plan to cook every day next week. I even plan on making Him a carrot cake. We will spend another week hanging out at the park, going to the drive-in, Chuck E. Cheese, and we'll even take a family portrait.

Well it's time for me to get back to my family. I want to get back to my blog to help me get through this crazy life, I call mine.

Until Later
*Haute Mama*