Wake up at 6am. Stretch, check on kids, and shower. Set up ironing board; turn lights on in kids’ bedroom. 7am wake up sleepyhead kids. Between 7am and 7:40am is the mad dash. I must get three people dressed and presentable for the world. Make sure they’ve have breakfast and make sure all homework has been completed. Whew…the life of a single mom!
For the last two years I commuted to and from work eighty miles a day! Thankfully, I have moved much closer and that part of my day is no longer a strain. If you’ve ever experienced Los Angeles traffic, hug yourself or anyone that drives in it every day. It’s a war zone!
I work for a bank in Southern California and my job is different every day and I never know what I am going to come across. It definitely keeps my day moving along. In between that I enjoy time with other adults and sharing stories that don’t involve much of the 4-6 year old conversation I have at home.
6pm….quitting time! I listen to music before I pick up the kids because as soon as they see me, I’M ON! My oldest son is in kindergarten and has a flurry of stories to tell me and tell me the things he’s learned during the day. My younger son is in pre-school and has equally entertaining stories to tell. Bugs, boys and girls, new friends, mini fights, yucky lunches, bathroom jokes, sports stories, new library books, and the list goes on!
We are home by 7pm and my second job begins. Kids complete any homework and reading assignments; they eat dinner, take a bath, and bed time! I can honestly say I do not know how I get thru the whirlwind from 7-8:45pm. It’s one of those perks in the life of a single mom that you just master. Now I am not saying I have it all down to a science, but I’ve definitely found my groove.
Now you may ask yourself, when do you have time for yourself?! Well this is the time, my friends….when the kids go to bed! Mommy can read books and magazines, paint my nails, talk on the phone, or enjoy one of the kids’ snacks!
It can definitely take its toll on a person to be the sole parent in the household. In any given day you are Mommy, Daddy, Friend, Nurse, Dentist, Police, Judge, Jury, and anything else children may need at any given time. It helps to have family support and the other parents support as well. Unfortunately, not everyone has those to help them. I find it most important to find time to decompress my mind and have a good balance in life. I make sure my children have me when they need me but I also make sure I make time for myself. Because I cannot be the best Mommy to them if I am stressed out and overworked!
Okay, my free time is over….back to the wonderful life of a single mom! Thanks for reading!