So it's been two weeks since my last post. I'd love to say I have been super busy with this or that, but that's just not true! I've been here at home still on bed rest, doing a serious countdown until my baby boy makes his entrance into this crazy world!

I'd also love to say I have been relaxing and enjoying the free space and time. However, that is also untrue! I live in a house with two other people. A 31 year old man and a 22 month old boy...use your imagination. They are loud, messy, and sometime just downright annoying! But I love them both dearly. :)

Well it's nap time in my house, so I'm going to enjoy the little bit of free time I have left before the little guy wakes up and is up and running!
Here are a few pics of what we've been up to the last few weeks...Enjoy!
Until Later
~Haute Mama~